The Current LEA Board of Directors
The LEA’s Board of Directors is elected every two years at our AGM. Board members sign an agreement take on officer positions and carry out the associated tasks and responsibilities. Interim board members are those who join between elections and are vetted by the current Board as per Policy #1000 of LEA Policies & Procedures.

Joshua Buck

Vice President
Dustin Port

Cris Whalen

Joshua Buck

Communications Officer
Zac Trolley

Grants Officer
Mike Hermann

Donations Officer

Initiative Officer
Dustin Port

Civic Engagement Officer
Shannon Barritt

Elections Officer
You can contact the Board for any reason at If you are interested in joining the Board, fill out the Alberta Leadership Interest Form.
Year-round Volunteers
Rob ‘Partytime’ Doak
Accountant (May 2018 – present)
Dreegyn ‘Diggy Shakes’ Dummer
Interest Form (April 2021 – present)
Kyle Maclean
Website (April 2021 – present)
Click HERE for a list of past directors.
The LEA was registered as non-profit society in Alberta on May 25, 2012 and founded by our first board of directors.